Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TWO more days.

There are only TWO, count 'em, T W O more days left in my 3rd and penultimate project with Americorps! Things have been fun, I've learned alot, but it's time to start the move to greener pastures. Perhaps I will detail some of my complaints about the bureaucracy that seems to come along with large, government-funded organizations on my blog at some date in the future, but for now, I'll just focus on one really bright spot in the future... SMOE!

SMOE stands for the San Mateo Outdoor Education School and I will be working there as a naturalist in September. It's my job to hang out with groups of 5th and 6th graders, teach them about the environment and various ecosystems, sing songs, lead hikes, supervise, and generally have a great time while not sitting behind a desk. Many banana slugs will be kissed, many adventures will be had.

I went to go visit my college roommate and friend Liane right as I was beginning this blog, as loyal readers like my mom might remember. SMOE seemed like an awesome place to live and work then and I am just as excited about it now.

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