Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Off to work we go

Day number two of our SPIKE at the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services and I have to say, I love working for this organization. It might be due in part to the cinnamon rolls and other goodies that they feed us in the morning, but there are other good reasons, too. The variety of work that we have to do is fantastic. There are so many projects going on that it's probably impossible to do the same thing twice. Today, for example, I started out by working in the Women's Wisdom program. A bunch of ladies get together on weekday mornings to support each other in working through tough times in their lives through art and craft. Some of the ladies have been victims of domestic violence, some have had strokes, some have chronic health issues, some have disabilities. Everyone comes together to express themselves and enrich their lives (and sometimes their pockets... they have many pieces for sale) through art. They learn different techniques, Tuesdays being watercolor days, and have a fantastic studio to work in.
I didn't get to jump right into the fun stuff, though. First, I cleaned a bathroom, scrubbing drips of crusty paint off of most visible surfaces, and then sorted through big boxes of fabric. I helped one of the other volunteers fetch a snack from the warehouse and then started chatting with a lady named Veronica. Veronica is a sculptor and she makes some beautiful things out of clay. I told her that I have a serious love for building things with clay and she and I proceeded to collaborate on her bust of the Food Bank's president. It seems like she might be working her way through the staff and volunteers, making these great caricatures in clay of these folks. I got to do some pretty substantial nose work and getting my hands dirty. Talking and working with Veronica really made my day.
We're still in the middle of learning our way around the Food Bank and trying out the roles in all the different programs. We haven't been there but two days, but we're already quite popular. Volunteers are the engine that keeps the Food Bank running, so that automatically gives us an in, but we are also part of an Americorps legacy at the Food Bank. Maybe even a dynasty, if you will. Year after year, there have been kids in the fashionable grey tee shirts working hard and we're excited to be a part of that group.

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