Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ooh, ooh, ooh, stuck in McClellan again...

Good morning, West Coast. It's good to be back, drinking your soy milk and eating your food that doesn't consist of meat and more meat. Just a few days here at the good old base, taking care of some meetings and the like, and then it's time for Spring Break!

I thought I would make a tradition of a little photo recap of the project and post a few more pictures for you all to enjoy. There'll be more added soon, once I mooch them off my teammates.

We felt pretty dumb when we ended up in Eunice. And despite what the sign tells you, this is not a city. Well, it IS a city in the sense that St. Mary's City is a city... tiny, full of old stuff, and not much else. One Monday, one of our days off, a few of us decided to drive up to this really scenic hiking spot called Tunica Hills. We got some directions, packed some lunches, and were so excited about going. We unfortunately never made it there... we go stuck in the not-so-spectacular towns of Eunice and Ville Platte instead. There were some highlights however... we saw one fantastically old cash register, walked around a state park for a while, and were reminded that everything in Louisiana is closed on Mondays.

This is beautiful University Presbyterian, the church where our team lived for two months. This picture just barely shows the beginnings of the azalea bushes blooming like crazy and filling the front of the church with beautiful pinks and reds and whites. Big live oaks grow all around the property and make the whole place look very lovely.

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